Strategic Marketing & Planning for State Schools
By the end of the course, you will learn and understand the process of creating a strategic plan for your school. The course includes many actual examples from the sector.
Why strategic marketing matters and how to set strategic goals
Bonus content: Strategic planning for your school
Stakeholder analysis: Who matters to your school and what do they want from you?
Bonus Content: Marketing to millenials
External analysis: What is changing that will affect your school?
Internal change: What do you need to do differently to achieve your goals?
Creating clear messages and stories to support your strategy
Bonus Content: Using LinkedIn to promote your school & Podcasting: How to get started
Bonus Content: Copywriting for Success
School marketing plans and examples of how they work in action
Bonus Content: Your School Brand: More than just a logo
Bonus Content: Schools Marketing on a budget, Alicia Coad